Purpose & Means:

Satori Farm Retreat (Satori, zen for "instant awakening"), is situated beautifully amongst the rolling hills of northern York county, in Lewisberry, Pennsylvania, & is organized pre-eminently for spirituallly-imbued purposes; celebrating the coalescent brevity of spirituality, as captured in individual expressions of oneness within a universality of beliefs.
The fruits thereof are to promote, to the highest degree possible, various charitable & educational endeavours through a myriad of pursuits to which Satori Farm, in harmony with its participants, are committed to.
In furtherance of our pursuits, Satori Farm is always open to volunteers and funding to support our existence and mission.
In accordance with our practices, all funds derived therefrom, as well as various other endeavours we are involved in, are dedicated to the sustenance of the farm as a sanctuary; with any & all profits that may otherwise be accrued, donated to various charitable causes. Amongst these is Satori Farms ongoing support of inner city youth programs; support of local food banks; & other causes we are averred to.
Your support of our endeavours thru choosing to stay with us, will go along way in 2012, in providing many educational & recreational programs for youth activities both locally & afar. Likewise, literally hundreds of pounds of meat & produce, clothes, toys, & other much needed goods will find their way to those who are in need.
In addition to this, based on individual needs, we provide medical, educational, transportational & legal assistance, as well as temporal housing assistance as each condition necessitates. It is our fervent desire to turn none away who profess sincerely such needs, & to date, have yet to turn any away, empty handed.